1290 Funds® is advised by Equitable Investment Management (EIM), an established asset manager that has provided institutional-quality investment expertise to the U.S. market since 1999.
Source: Equitable Investment Management as of 12/31/24.
Firmwide assets under management (AUM) includes assets managed by Equitable Investment Management, LLC and its investment advisory affiliate, Equitable Investment Management Group, LLC. Equitable Investment Management Group, LLC's AUM (Including offshore assets, but excluding insurance underlying funds-of-funds) was $122.0 bil., as of 12/31/24. Equitable Investment Management, LLC's AUM was $1.5 bil., as of 12/31/24. Equitable Investment Management, LLC and Equitable Investment Management Group, LLC, referred to as EIM, currently share the same infrastructure and officers and directors. Subject to change at any time.